
Japanese Shosha

What is Shosha? 

I belong to Japanese Shosha, which has several function of business. Existence of such kinds of company is Japanese feature. That treats various goods made by another firm. So it always thought as broker. On the other hand, they also do investments to create new market or to foster young competitive company such like venture capital. In addition, real estate is also one of their business resource. This flexibility is the most characteristic weapon on their commerce. 

But lots of Shosha was bankrupted these days. At first, their major task was trading between foreign countries. It is decreasing together with developing IT. Second, their business model has changed to be like finance company. Almost profitable department treats financial items like M&A, PE, REIT and so on. That contains huge earning possibility and fearful future. Investment failure carries debt much bigger than trading business. They can get great amount of profit and can also be eliminated in a split second. 

I think Shosha was necessary for Japanese industrial history. Needless to say, Japan is technological country. Only original idea came from foreign firms but Japanese brushed up them to be the top. Their spirits of manufacturing and concentration is the strongest character. And Shosha is one of the most important tool for their mission. Such companies have many kinds of items for production. Shosha helped Japanese technical advance. 

Now Shosha must think about real value of existence. What is Shosha's work? Investment? Finance? I don't think like that. It is very interesting and important to use it for new business. But it is not core of Shosha business. Only one of the strongest option. 

Core is existence as flexible tool, I think. 

They can't create objects but they can help a lot of manufacturing. It may be impossible to get advantage from IT machine in an information field. Internet is useful for getting information of machine, market and so on. But it can't help human. Only human can do it. 

Shosha's value doesn't only depend on information, finance and international community but is ability based on human knowledge and experience to create brilliant solution.

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